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After reviewing the factors affecting Hungary?s long term macroeconomic trends (the global economy, economic policy etc.) we define a macroeconomic path until 2015 based on past and expected trends. 

The forecasted indicators:

  • GDP
  • Private consumption
  • Public consumption
  • Investments
  • Exports of goods and services
  • Imports of goods and services
  • Industrial production (GDP)
  • Consumer price index
  • Real income of households
  • real wages
  • Employment
  • Unemployment rate 

    The county level economic and income forecasts are derived from the regional breakdown of macroeconomic trends. 

    With assumptions concerning the historical conditions (capital-country, city-agglomeration, West-East dimensions) and enshrined regional differences, we define and present the county level development potential. 

    The indicators projected on county level are as follows:

  • GDP
  • GDP per capita
  • Purchasing power (real wages, other incomes)
  • Purchasing power per capita
  • Number and rate of unemployed
  • Number and rate of employed
  • Number of inhabitants
  • Number of inhabitants of working age 
  • Elemzés szerzője