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Interest Representation in Brussels

Acting through its agent in Brussels, GKI Economic Research Co. helps its Client to maintain permanent, thorough and useful contacts with European Union institutions.

GKI’s representative in Brussels has high-level managerial experience, well-established personal relationships and appropriate information resources. The Client describes his or her strategy and business ideas to GKI and its representative in Brussels. On this basis, GKI and its representative shall keep the Client informed of the relevant rulemaking plans and activities of European institutions. As a result, the Client will be able to formulate his or her messages more effectively to European and national regulators, as well as to plan their moves in the market. GKI and its representative in Brussels help the Client continuously to make their actions effective and to formulate his or her individual needs.

Together with its representative in Brussels, GKI provides the Client with the following key services.

Written services

(electronic and regular)
Quarterly summaries

  • economic trends in Hungary and forecasts;
  • major trends in the EU and forecasts.

Monthly summaries by sectors

  • summaries of current draft regulatory proposals submitted to European decision-making bodies relevant for the Client;
  • status reports, summaries and suggestions for intervention options for forthcoming legal rules;
  • news about direct calls for tenders in the EU (detailing subject matter, conditions, contacts, etc.).

Bi-weekly updates

  • summaries of special industry news;
  • detailed descriptions of calls for tender, recommendations;
  • “they say in Brussels…”

Delivery: ongoing personal and regular written communications (in electronic form).

Individual services

  • Establishing customized strategic links to leaders of the relevant EU institutions, understanding and influencing legal rules under preparation. Assisting in initiating and managing new legislation.
  • Providing meaningful and continuous management level consultation opportunities with the important actors in the Brussels administration. Understanding and influencing the operational, decision support and decision-making mechanism, including the current status of some important matters. Helping in drafting messages.
  • Providing professional support to the Client’s “presence” in Brussels (in terms of access to EU funds, as well as other relationships in Brussels). Constant (electronic) accessibility and prompt consultation opportunities.
  • Helping to prepare the Client’s visits to Brussels.
  • Follow-up monitoring of the Client’s tenders in Brussels.

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