The research that contributed to the development of a medium- and long-term strategy for Hungarian Post Co., aimed at testing business models, estimating supply and demand and making a forecast applying mathematical-statistical methods in Electronic Document Management (EDM) and mobile communication technologies.
The research that contributed to the development of a medium- and long-term strategy for Hungarian Post Co., aimed at testing business models, estimating supply and demand and making a forecast applying mathematical-statistical methods in Electronic Document Management (EDM) and mobile communication technologies.
The results of the research are as follows:
Electronic Document Management
- the demand for EDM arises when handling documents is connected with inner and/or external communication in the business sector,
- the examination of different parts (digitisation, character recognition, transforming, metadata treatment, versioning, electronic storage, searching back, archiving, final deletion) of the EDM (production of documents, treatment, sorting out), in different sectors (TEÁOR letters) and size categories regarding what kind of solvent demand exist,
- which parts of the EDM are applied already now, and in which fields for which operations,
- among what kind of technical conditions (format, collaborative applications, authentication etc.) and other services (content analysis) it is already used, or would be used,
- how much would be paid for these services and based on this, how big is the market (in HUF) and what is its expected growth,
- is the appearance of Hungarian Post Co. regarded as more reliable comparing to the other actors in this market, and whether firms are open for a cooperation with them.
Mobile communication technologies
- is there, and if yes, for which one(s), a solvent demand for accessing (traditional) postal services (e.g. unique postcard, telegram, prepayment) via mobile communication devices in households and among firms?
- for what kind of consumers, and with what kind of new, modern services and supplements (e.g. observing) is it worth providing potential postal services in the field of mobile communication?
- the introduction of the demographic, employment and income situation of the potential source of demand, the population, as well as the characteristics of firms (size, sector, capital adequacy, income from sales, profit etc.), and the determination of market potential based on these features.